Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A perhaps less than auspicious blog debut!

So....Here Goes! Not really sure how to set it off here; which is really ironic, because most would complain that I often speak too much. Give me a forum where I can say whatever I want? All of a sudden, nada. Murphy's Law, I suppose....
Iguess it would make the most sense to a.) say who I am, then b.) address why I'm doing this. Begining at the beginning, my name for the purpose of this blog is simply Pop....I'm a musician and that and the myriad of variations on that is as close as I have to a stage name. I'm in my mid 30's, a native of the east coast (D.C. and Pittsburgh) and now I live in Southern california. I moved out here in february of 1997 to tour with a performance company called the Young Americans. I spent the next 8 years working with them here in California, across the U.S. and eventually around the world. Since retiring from my work with them I have pursued a career in music here in SoCal. I have seen and experienced much, and feel in many ways that I have lived at least a dozen different lives since I got on that plane to leave Pittsburgh for the west. Those lives have taught me a great deal, but there are some things I'm still trying to figure out. This blog, I suppose, is a part of that process.
My life today is very similar to many my peers in some ways, and very different in others. Like many, I see the world around me and often wonder if I'm the crazy one or the people around me. Like many, I am not where I want to be, but am thankful to the Lord that I'm not where I was. I feel as If I am on the way, indeed as if I'm very close to getting to where I want to be. Frankly that is one of my greatest frustrations. Feeling like I'm so close to achieving what I was put here to do, but not quite there can be more frustrating than being miles and miles away. Still....it's about the journey, right?
I am what my friend Rick refers to as "a Bible believing Christian" I was raised that way, and regardless of what some say, it makes sense to me. I have yet to be shown a logical argument against believing, so I will continue to.
I have a girlfriend for whom I care a great deal. I feel like the man I'm supposed to be when I'm around her. Outside of her, the most important thing in my life is music.
Much of what I address in this journal will be music related. It'll deal with my career, my observations about my chosen profession and the industry that is built around it. I'll talk about what makes me feel good, what frustrates me, my successes and failures. I hope you enjoy what you read here. If it resonates with you, whoever you may be out there in the ether, then I can deem this a success. thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the trip. I know I am so far!